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A very interesting shop ONE NOFFS was opened in Sydney. It creates designer works from the old stuff. The idea belongs to Rupert Noffs who is the grandson of Ted Noffs (the founder of The Ted Noffs Foundation, a charitable organization that helps the drug addicts and alcoholics). He developed the concept of "second hand" store turning an ordinary shop of old stuff into the platform for creative and talented young designers work, who can also make money on this. ONE NOFFS shop...
Jack Brown
The significance of the game, its full impact on the child growth cannot be overestimated. Games are an effective tool for the development of communication skills, logic, attention, intelligence, identity. And, perhaps, a game is the best way to achieve the development of creative abilities both for children and adults without compulsion. That is why educational games are of great demand among the various audiences, starting from the small buyers and finishing with the elderly. ...
My idea is to create sportswear with built in flexible electronics to monitor an athlete's biological indicators, like pH levels in sweat, heart rate, or blood pressure, generating data on metabolism or other factors and beaming it wirelessly to a trainer's laptop. The electronics could also simply count the steps to measure the distance traveled or the number of reps completed. Having such a sportswear will remove the need for some clunky external device to record or transmit...
Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of women. Pregnancy and birth of a child change lives forever. But at this moment women face many problems: toxicosis, weakness, swelling and excess weight. There are a lot of forums and articles in the Internet with advice how not to gain too much weight during pregnancy and lose weight quickly after childbirth. Pregnancy and weight loss are the most beneficial topics not only for women's forums, but also for business. ...
A method of gathering crowd density data using already installed cameras could lead to a new way of monitoring people's shopping habits. The software method uses installed surveillance cameras to monitor the number and flow of people throughout the day. Each person appears as a colored disc, making it easy to determine how people move through the area and where they choose to linger. It is designed to keep each person unidentifiable, and cannot track individuals. The...
The Red Rail Dutch company in collaboration with the Nobel Foundation created the youth fashion collection, which is for donors only. New collection of clothes was presented at the Amsterdam Fashion Week. 18 top designers worked hard to create it. Only people, who donate blood, can get clothes from this collection. The buyers send their IDs, which are assigned to them after blood donating, and name items they would like to purchase. 20 donors will get the clothes from the...
I'm a soccer player. It is a real disaster for me to have a game on a sunny day as I hardly see anything and often lose the ball. My idea is to create sunglasses that are contacts so as I could look into the sun and see the ball.
Why not create 'air conditioned' clothing as a way to deal with the restrictions on electricity during the summer heat? It is possible to develop jackets and shirts, as well as cushions and mattresses, with built in fans. The jackets will include two electric fans powered by a lithium ion battery pack. The fans will draw the air in at up to 20 liters per second, circulating it through the jacket where it will dry off sweat and evacuate through the collar and cuffs.
A postcard is one of the easiest ways to congratulate a colleague, friend or acquaintance with a holiday. The only difficulty there is to choose an original and unusual card. Today, it is not a problem since postcards manufacturers provide us with a huge variety of shapes and designs. In today's market one can find cards of any format and size, to fit any taste and any occasion. It seemed that nothing new could be suggested in this field of business? But designers and artists are...
The idea is to create a portable ultrasonic detector that will use non-invasive technology to check gold bars for flaws or signs of counterfeiting. The device will use computer controlled phased array probe to produce easy to read images that even untrained personnel can interpret.